For the second time this year immigrants kids received free dental screening offered by Give Kids Smile in St. Louis. Give kids Smile provides underservice children with free comprehensive dental care including extermination, professional cleaning, fluoride treatment, sealants and restoration. More than seventy immigrants kids have benefited from the program this year.
With lack of dental hygiene and many of them coming from poor family background, 96% of those who came this was their first dental check up. Many of them were reported to have cavities, brown teeth and other complications.
V4A offers education on dental hygiene, healthy eating habits and importance of exercise. We advice kids to avoid eating too much candies and sugary staff. We also encourage them to brash their teeth after every meal. V4A has been aggressively connecting immigrants with resources around St. Louis and St. Charles to address issues on healthcare, housing, education and business start up. Currently we have established partnership with more than twenty organizations offering variety of services. We hope to increased the number by 25% by the end of this financial year.
V4A offers education on dental hygiene, healthy eating habits and importance of exercise. We advice kids to avoid eating too much candies and sugary staff. We also encourage them to brash their teeth after every meal. V4A has been aggressively connecting immigrants with resources around St. Louis and St. Charles to address issues on healthcare, housing, education and business start up. Currently we have established partnership with more than twenty organizations offering variety of services. We hope to increased the number by 25% by the end of this financial year.