Tips for Keeping yourself safe from Covid 19
- .Wash hands often
- .Disinfect surfaces daily that are touched often such as doorknobs, light switches, sink knobs, bathtub knobs, toilet knob, fridge knobs, phones, remotes etc.
- Products good at disinfecting surfaces: lysol spray, by rubbing alcohol- put in a spray bottle
- Bleach- dilute with water
- A capful or two of bleach mixed with water is good for disinfecting dishes or surface
- Eat healthy to boost your immune system
- Vegetables (fresh if possible)
- Fruits (fresh if possible)
- Apple Juice and Orange Juice
- Take daily vitamins from plants
- Sleep 7-9 hours for adults and teens
- Younger children need more sleep
- Create a daily schedule or to do list:
Create a daily routine
Dress up- may help even if you are not going anywhere. Dress good, feel good!
Try to wake and sleep at the same time - Exercise and stay healthy
Tips from Psychology Experts
- Create a routine — Change out of your pajamas, shower and make a to-do of all the things you want to achieve each day to create a sense of normality and productivity.
- Break up your day — Find tasks to break up your day and, where possible, change your environment for different activities.
- Take care of your body — Eat healthily, get plenty of sleep and exercise daily. That could include conducting indoor workout classes, stretching and practicing meditation.
- Help others — If you’re not under strict isolation rules yourself, and you’re in a position to do so, find ways to support those in need by offering to run errands and collect supplies for them.
- Stay connected — Make the most of technology and stay in touch with colleagues, friends and family via phone calls, texts, social media and video conferencing.
- Limit media intake — Stay informed about the situation via reliable sources, but limit your news and social media intake to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
- Prepare medical supplies — The National Alliance on Mental Illness advises, where necessary, asking your doctor for extended prescription supplies to tide you over for quarantine periods.
- Fight boredom — Make the most of catching up TV series, reading and exploring projects you have been putting off to beat boredom and stay mentally active.
- Avoid burnout — Set strict limits to your work to avoid becoming overwhelmed and make time to unwind.
- Focus on the positives — Amplify good news stories and honor caregivers working tirelessly to resolve the situation.
- Take one day at a time — Try not to project too far into the future. Remember that these are temporary measures and you are not alone.
More resources:
1. St Louis Community Covid-19 Responders
2. Coronavirus Information & Resources in St Louis
This document was prepared by Reana Elder , an intern student from Washing University Brown School.